Couple looking to first time experiment

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Bloomingdale, Illinois | Пар тражим Пар

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Hi, we are a a very dedicated couple of 21 3years. I am Frank a former football player with varied sexual experiences former life. 6'4" 270 lbs. In good shape for my age of 63. My wife Karen is a saucey , sexy brunette 54 yrs old. She possess a real womans body ! Karen has never partaken in any real sexual adventures. She is flirty and extremely social person full of humor and intrigue.

The time is now right for her and us as a couple to try the " forbiden fruits" of sexual adventures! We have discussed this taboo venturing out with much intrigue and humor. At this point, Karen would freak out a bit if she thought we were advertising for this to happen. Saying that, she would definately be willing to try some sexual highjinks with the right couple.
Looks are somewhat important but not main reason for being attracted to others. Personality and great conversation are what attracts us the most. She wants and needs to be seduced..being spontaneous is what turns her on the most. Karen loves her cocktails and we both love food and music.

Meeting you must seem natural and not necessarily pre arranged for sex, she will be all for it. The ideal scenario would be to meet either by "chance" or for kindof blind date for friendship.
That is when the seduction begins. She is like an onion, you have to slowly peel her inhibitions away ! Talking, cocktailing, some good food, she will become undone. Her desire and be slowly seduced by a couple, especially the woman. As the evening rolls on, talk gets sexier with some touches and feels. She smokes socially, tgat is her crutch when having fun. She will go out to smoke a couple of times, that is when you turn up the heat...either one of you or both.go with her. Become bolder lots of compliments about her attraction..more intimate touching, feeling even kissing. This turns her on knowingbI am inside while she is being seduced outside!

We are both oral especially Karen . she loves sucking cock which she is awsome at. Limited experience with a woman.but gets very turned on by the right one. She loves bigger boobs....who does'nt lol....and wants to.taste the sweet fruit if a nicley kept pussy.

Karen likes for me to watch her succumb to others sexual advances . soft sex leads to.hard sex.. If you let it happen naturally, she will become putty in your hands !
Not necessay for me to be a complete participant...I am mostly there to give support and encouragement. At least for now, My role will be more as a tease her reved up by showing her my interest in othet woman by also touching, feeling and kissing. Id situation deveolps into hard sex, her sering me also licking other womans pussy will really get to her.

Summing up...first time swing for her...needs and wants to be seduced naturally not appear to be set up,Karen is bi-bi-curious and wants the right couple to completely.take control of her!!!
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Senior Catering Manager
Мој годишњи приход
$75.000USD до $99.999USD
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Да - често

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Идем у цркву
На годишњем одмору
Мој животни циљ
Be adventurous while being in a comitted relationship
Мој смисао за хумор
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Блесав/блесава, Урнебесан/слепстик


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Акције, Комедије, Драме, Документарце, Трилере
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Кантри, Рок, Ја сам музичар, Блуз, Џез, Сол, Реге
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Аутобиографије, Класике, Фикције, Историјске, Спортове, Љубавне
Како замишљам добру забаву
Jaming with other musicians, hanging with my girl and sporting events


Шта Вас привлачи?
Домишљатост, Флертовање, Спонтаност, Смисао за хумор, Брижљивост, Интелигенција
Шта тражите?
Sense if humor, compassion, take charge personality
Какву везу тражите?